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By Suzann Sladcik Wilson

8BSBPBannerWelcome to the 8th Annual Bead Soup Blog Hop! This year I was paired with the amazing Susan Nelson Bowie of Stones and Bones Jewelry Design in Atlanta, Georgia. You can see her work here. Susan is First Nation Musogee Creek and honors her Native American roots by designing with Mother Earth in mind and spirit.

The yummy bead soup that I received from Susan Nelson Bowie.

The organic bead soup that I received from Susan Nelson Bowie.

The beads that I received from Susan had such a natural feel to them. What I liked is that they seemed to represent the three elements. The earth was represented by the jasper stones, wooden beads, and the bear bead. The green fresh water pearls were for the water. The sky was symbolized by the copper bird beads and the feather focal bead.

Earth's Treasures Set by Suzann Sladcik Wilson

Earth’s Treasures Set by Suzann Sladcik Wilson

As you can see, the elements blended together perfectly to create this Earth’s Treasures set. For the center piece, I wanted to combine the symbolic elements that Susan had sent me. After doing some research, I found out that in Native American culture that the bear represents strength and bravery, the bird is totem for creativity and peace, and the feather symbolizes trust, honor, and wisdom. My hope is that the person who wears this necklace would benefit from all three totems.

I really enjoyed designing with these organic treasures. Would love to hear from you in the comments, which are on the top right hand corner of this blog. To see what I sent Susan and see what she made, click here. To see all of the participants in the Bead Soup Blog Hop and see their amazing creations, click here.

Here are some of the other Bead Soups that I have made:

Thanks for stopping by! Happy Beading!