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By Suzann Sladcik Wilson

*This month’s Blog hop project is dedicated to my mom Regine Sladcik, who is an inspiration as a 32 year breast cancer survivor, and to Beadphoria’s dear friend Debbie Goldwater who left us too soon 3 1/2 years ago at the age of 43.*

What does a Jewelry Designer do with Wescott Scissors, Pink Duck Tape, and Velcro? No, it’s not beginning of a bad joke. Instead, it is a fantastic way to stretch creativity and help in the fight against Breast Cancer.

Going into this month’s challenge, I knew it was going to be, well, a challenge! Using these products as a jewelry designer is totally out of my realm. When I received my package of Duck Tape, I was not only impressed with the tape, but also the box it came in. I knew I wanted to do something with it, but what?

Looking at all that pretty pink, black, white, and, yes, GOLD Duck Tape, Pink Velcro, and beautiful Westcott Scissors, inspiration suddenly struck. Why not make a travel jewelry box? Something that if a woman needed to bring her jewelry with her to the hospital, it could be transported safely and elegantly.  The Duck Tape would make the box gorgeous, the Velcro could hold the jewelry in place while being moved, and the Westcott non-stick scissors made cutting the super sticky tape a breeze!

Here is how the front of the box turned out.

Travel Breast Cancer Awareness Jewelry Box by Suzann Sladcik Wilson, Beadphoria

When you open the box, the real treasure is revealed!

Inside of Travel Breast Cancer Awareness Jewelry Box

On the inside of the box, I glued a small mirror to the top of the left hand side. Underneath, I place 3 rows of Velcro to hold numerous pairs of earrings, rings, or pins. I also included a little message to remind the owner that, even though they are fighting an ugly disease, YOU ARE BEAUTIFUL!

On the right hand side, I glued a full sheet of pink Velcro to the bottom of the box. The fuzzy side was on the top. What is nice about using the full sheet, is that you can secure various types of jewelry in different arrangements. The small pink Velcro strips used to hold down items to the large sheet are, believe it or not, Velcro plant ties!

I hope you have enjoyed my project. Make sure you hope around to all the Designer Craft Connection blogs by clicking on the badge on the left hand side of this page and see what they have made. When you are done, stop by the Westcott Blog and leave a comment. You have a chance to win this extremely generous package:

Prize Package From Westcott

If you want an extra chance to win, stop by the Westcott Facebook Page and leave a comment there, too! Good Luck!

Special thanks to Marisa Pawelko for coordinating this challenge. It’s been fantastic working with you!

If you have any questions about beading, or jewelry business marketing tips, please feel free to contact me at 224-305-3321 or Suzann@Beadphoria.com. Always happy to share the joy of beading with you, Suzann Sladcik Wilson of Beadphoria.com and BeadphoriaBoutique.com.

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